Metfield & The Duke William
The village of Metfield is situated in the Waveney valley on the Norfolk/Suffolk border and dates back to Saxon times. The name ‘Metfield’ is derived from ‘meadow field’ (medfield), a mowed area created when forests were cleared to provide areas of settlement.
maybe a few (3?) photographs of village scenes.
In January 2018, there were around 400 inhabitants of Metfield, though according to the 1841 census its population had at one time peaked at 700.
is situated in the heart of Metfield village on the main street.
In 1887 a licence was granted for the original Duke William Beer-house which is now William cottage two doors down from the present Duke William.
In or around 1939 Adnams, a local brewery based in Southwold bought the original beer house, built the present Duke William and then sold off the old building to be converted into a private residence.
finally closed its doors as a public house in 2009 and after reopening in various guises it became a bed and breakfast in 2014. Karen and Nick took over running the Bed and Breakfast in September 2017.
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